Upon the establishment of a joint township hospital district and after the organization of such joint township district hospital board, under section 513.07 of the Revised Code, the hospital board of the district shall determine the amount of bonds to be issued and such other matters as pertain thereto, and shall, when approved by the vote of the electorate of the district voting as a subdivision, issue, and sell such bonds to the extent and in the amount so determined, to pay the costs of hospital facilities as defined in section 140.01 of the Revised Code. Such bonds shall be issued and sold as provided by Chapter 133. of the Revised Code.
All necessary expenses for the operation of such hospital facilities may be paid out of any moneys derived from the special levy approved for such purposes by such voters, or out of any other moneys received from hospital income or services rendered, or from unencumbered funds from any other source. The board of township trustees of the townships participating in such district may appropriate and pay over to the joint township hospital board, for maintenance of such hospital facilities, any unencumbered funds of the township. Moneys received from hospital income or services rendered, or funds from any other source, including the issuance of bonds, except moneys derived from the special levy for operation and funds appropriated by township trustees for maintenance, may be used for the replacement of necessary equipment, the purchase of a site, construction, equipping, or furnishing of additions to the hospital facilities, or the purchase or construction of capital improvements to the hospital facilities, and to pay other costs of hospital facilities as defined in section 140.01 of the Revised Code.
Such necessary expenses as are incurred by the board of township trustees in meeting with other boards of township trustees for the consideration of proposals to proceed under sections 513.07 to 513.18 of the Revised Code, shall be paid from the general fund of the township incurring such expenses. When such hospital board has funds of its own, derived from the special levy approved by the electors of the district, as provided in section 513.13 of the Revised Code, or unencumbered funds from any other source, then the expenses incidental to such hospital facilities shall be paid by the hospital board.
Effective Date: 11-15-1991 .