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U.S. State Codes
Section 4730.01 - Physician assistant definitions.
Section 4730.02 - Prohibited acts.
Section 4730.021 - Amended and Renumbered RC 4730.05.
Section 4730.03 - Construction and application.
Section 4730.04 - Disaster or emergency medical care.
Section 4730.05 - Physician assistant policy committee.
Section 4730.06 - Recommendations to state medical board.
Section 4730.07 - Adoption of additional rules.
Section 4730.08 - Certificate to practice as physician assistant.
Section 4730.081 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.09 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.091 - [Renumbered].
Section 4730.092 - [Renumbered].
Section 4730.093 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.10 - Applying for license to practice.
Section 4730.101 - Certificate applicant to comply with RC Chapter 4776.
Section 4730.11 - Eligibility requirements for physician assistant certificate.
Section 4730.111 - Duty to inform board of change in certification status.
Section 4730.12 - Issuing license.
Section 4730.13 - Duplicate physician assistant certificate - fee.
Section 4730.14 - Renewing license.
Section 4730.15 - Exercise of physician-delegated prescriptive authority.
Section 4730.16 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.17 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.18 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.19 - Supervision agreement approval procedure.
Section 4730.20 - Services performed by physician assistant.
Section 4730.201 - Administration of local anesthesia by physician assistant.
Section 4730.202 - Determination of death by physician assistant.
Section 4730.203 - Delegation of administration of drug.
Section 4730.21 - Duties of supervising physician.
Section 4730.22 - Liability of physician - duties of health care facility - individual liability.
Section 4730.25 - Disciplinary actions.
Section 4730.251 - Effect of child support default on certificate.
Section 4730.252 - Violation; civil penalties.
Section 4730.26 - Hearings and investigations.
Section 4730.27 - Adjudication of mental competency.
Section 4730.28 - Restoration of license; issuance to applicant who has not practiced for more than two years.
Section 4730.31 - Reporting conviction to medical board.
Section 4730.32 - Reporting disciplinary proceedings.
Section 4730.33 - Secretary of state medical board - duties - prosecutions.
Section 4730.34 - State medical board - immunity.
Section 4730.38 - Recommendations for physician-delegated prescriptive authority.
Section 4730.39 - Rules governing physician-delegated prescriptive authority.
Section 4730.40 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.401 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.41 - Physician assistant's authority under certificate to prescribe.
Section 4730.411 - Prescription of schedule II controlled substance by physician assistant.
Section 4730.42 - Supervising physician's delegation authority - limitations.
Section 4730.43 - Samples provided by physician assistant.
Section 4730.431 - Authority to supply naloxone.
Section 4730.432 - Authority to prescribe or furnish drugs to sexual partner of a patient diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis.
Section 4730.433 - Epinephrine autoinjectors.
Section 4730.44 - Exercise of authority under on-site supervision.
Section 4730.45 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.46 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.47 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.48 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.49 - Continuing education required for renewal of license.
Section 4730.50 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.51 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.52 - [Repealed].
Section 4730.53 - Conditions for prescribing opioid analgesic or benzodiazepine drugs; adoption of rules regarding review of drug database.
Section 4730.54 - Compliance with law regarding sanctions for human trafficking.
Section 4730.55 - Medication-assisted treatment; standards and procedures for physician assistants.
Section 4730.56 - Failure to comply with applicable rules and regulations.
Section 4730.99 - Penalty.
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