
Section 315.29 - Establishment of corners.

Ohio Rev Code § 315.29 (2019) (N/A)
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When the corners of a survey as provided in section 315.28 of the Revised Code have been destroyed, the owner of such survey or of other lands, the title of which is affected by the loss of any such corner, may call on the engineer of the county in which the land is situated, who shall attend on the ground where it is intended to establish such corners, at such time as the applicant appoints. The engineer shall issue a subpoena, directed to any constable or other person fit to execute it, to cause such witnesses, from outside as well as within his county, as the person demanding such warrant or other interested person requires, to come before him. The engineer shall examine such witnesses on oath, touching the existence and situation of such corners, or any other matter in relation to the entry or survey of such land, and he shall take the testimony in writing which shall be signed by the witnesses and certified and signed by the engineer. In making a survey of the land and planting stones or posts at the corners, as provided in section 315.28 of the Revised Code, the engineer shall have reference to and be governed by the depositions so taken, and shall specify them in his certificate of survey, in which shall also be mentioned the names of the persons present at the planting of any cornerstone or post. No person who resides outside the county where such depositions are to be taken shall be bound to attend unless traveling fees, both going and returning, and for one day's attendance, have been tendered him. No witness attending from outside the county shall be obliged to attend more than one day unless additional fees for such attendance are tendered.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953.