The mayor of a municipal corporation and a mayor's court magistrate shall keep a docket. Neither the mayor of a municipal corporation nor a mayor's court magistrate shall retain or receive for his own use any of the fines, forfeitures, fees, or costs he collects. A mayor's court magistrate shall account for all such fines, forfeitures, fees, and costs he collects and transfer them to the mayor. The mayor shall account for and dispose of all such fines, forfeitures, fees, and costs he collects, including all such fines, forfeitures, fees, and costs that are transferred to him by a mayor's court magistrate, as provided in section 733.40 of the Revised Code.
The mayor of a municipal corporation shall be paid such fixed annual salary as the legislative authority of the municipal corporation provides under sections 731.08 and 731.13 of the Revised Code, and a mayor's court magistrate shall receive compensation as provided in section 1905.05 of the Revised Code.
The mayor of a municipal corporation shall keep an office, provided by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation, at a convenient place in the municipal corporation, and shall be furnished by the legislative authority with the corporate seal of the municipal corporation. In the center of such seal shall be the words, "Mayor of the city of............," or "Mayor of the village of............"
Effective Date: 07-25-1990 .