A limited partnership is dissolved and its affairs shall be wound up when any of the following occurs:
(A) At the time specified in the certificate of limited partnership;
(B) Upon the happening of one or more events specified in writing in the partnership agreement as a basis for the dissolution of the limited partnership;
(C) Upon the written consent of all partners;
(D) Upon an event of withdrawal of a general partner, unless at the time there is at least one other general partner, the written provisions of the partnership agreement permit the business of the limited partnership to be carried on by the remaining general partner, and that partner does so. However, the limited partnership is not dissolved and is not required to be wound up by reason of any event of withdrawal if, within ninety days after the withdrawal, all partners agree in writing to continue the business of the limited partnership and to the appointment, effective as of the date of the withdrawal, of one or more new or additional general partners.
(E) Upon entry of a decree of judicial dissolution under section 1782.45 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 07-01-1994 .