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U.S. State Codes
PBA - Public Authorities
Article 4 - Market Authori...
Title 5 - Long Island Market Authority
Title 5 - Long Island Market Authority
900 - Short Title.
901 - Definitions.
902 - Long Island Market Authority.
903 - General Purpose and Powers of Authority.
904 - Projects of the Authority.
905 - Transfer of Officers and Employees; Civil Service.
906 - Bonds of the Authority.
907 - Remedies of Bondholders.
908 - State and County Not Liable on Authority Bonds.
909 - Monies of the Authority.
910 - Bonds Legal Investment for Fiduciaries.
911 - Agreement With State.
912 - Tax Exemption and Tax Contract by the State.
913 - Actions Against Authority.
914 - Audit and Annual Reports.
915 - Defense and Indemnification.
916 - Contracts.
917 - Code of Ethics.
918 - Equal Employment Opportunity.
919 - Separability.