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U.S. State Codes
PBA - Public Authorities
Article 10-B
Title 4 - New York Local Government Assistance...
Title 4 - New York Local Government Assistance Coporation
3231 - Short Title.
3232 - Definitions.
3233 - New York Local Government Assistance Corporation.
3234 - Administration of the Corporation.
3235 - General Powers of the Corporation.
3236 - Bonds and Notes of the Corporation.
3237 - Capital Reserve Fund.
3238 - Payments to Local Governments.
3238-A - Payment to City of New York
3239 - Resources of the Corporation.
3240 - Payments to the Corporation.
3241 - Agreement With the State.
3241-A - Limitation on Issuance of Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes by the State.
3242 - State and Local Governments Not Liable on Bonds and Notes.
3243 - Remedies of Bondholders and Noteholders.
3244 - Bonds and Notes as Legal Investments.
3245 - Exemption From Taxation.
3246 - Employees of the Corporation.
3247 - Actions Against the Corporation.
3248 - Assistance to the Corporation.
3249 - Preference for Actions or Proceeding Against the Corporation.