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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 74 - Environmental ...
Article 4A - Radioactive Materials
Article 4A - Radioactive Materials
Section 74-4A-1 - Radioactive material transport; conditions.
Section 74-4A-2 - Short title.
Section 74-4A-3 - Purpose.
Section 74-4A-4 - Definitions.
Section 74-4A-6 - Task force.
Section 74-4A-7 - Duties of the task force.
Section 74-4A-8 - Powers of the task force.
Section 74-4A-9 - Committee.
Section 74-4A-10 - Membership; appointment; vacancies.
Section 74-4A-11 - Committee duties.
Section 74-4A-11.1 - Condition.
Section 74-4A-12 - Subcommittees.
Section 74-4A-13 - Interrelationship with task force.
Section 74-4A-14 - Staff.