90-561. State Department of Education.
Program No. 25 - Education, Administration, and Support
The Department of Administrative Services shall monitor the appropriations and expenditures for this program according to the following program classifications:
No. 25 - Commissioner's Office
No. 403 - Assessment/Report Card
No. 440 - Human Resources
No. 441 - Teaching and Learning
No. 442 - Communications
No. 443 - Network Education and Technology Services
No. 444 - Office of Early Childhood
No. 445 - Data, Research, Evaluation, and Information Technology
No. 446 - Adult Program Services
No. 447 - School Improvement/Accreditation
No. 448 - Diversity Populations: Special Education
No. 449 - Federal Programs
No. 450 - Select Department-wide Costs
No. 451 - Finance and Organization Services
There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2017-18 $4,751,600 General Funds for statewide assessment and reporting, which shall only be used for such purpose. There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2018-19 $4,751,600 General Funds for statewide assessment and reporting, which shall only be used for such purpose.
There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2017-18 $75,000 General Funds for the review of poverty and limited English proficiency plans, including at least $25,000 General Funds for performance auditing.
There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2017-18 $10,000 General Funds and FY2018-19 $10,000 General Funds for the Educational Opportunity for Military Children Program.
There is included in the appropriation to this program for FY2017-18 $225,000 Federal Funds and for FY2018-19 $225,000 Federal Funds for the Nebraska Career Connections contract.