81-1801. Terms, defined.
For purposes of the Nebraska Crime Victim's Reparations Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Commission shall mean the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice;
(2) Committee shall mean the Crime Victim's Reparations Committee;
(3) Dependent shall mean a relative of a deceased victim who was dependent upon the victim's income at the time of death, including a child of a victim born after a victim's death;
(4) Executive director shall mean the executive director of the commission;
(5) Personal injury shall mean actual bodily harm;
(6) Relative shall mean spouse, parent, grandparent, stepparent, natural born child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, brother, sister, half brother, half sister, or spouse's parent; and
(7) Victim shall mean a person who is injured or killed as a result of conduct specified in section 81-1818.