43-252. Fingerprints; when authorized; disposition.
(1) The fingerprints of any juvenile less than fourteen years of age, who has been taken into custody in the investigation of a suspected unlawful act, shall not be taken unless the consent of any district, county, associate county, associate separate juvenile court, or separate juvenile court judge has first been obtained.
(2) The fingerprints of any juvenile alleged or found to be a juvenile as described in subdivision (3)(b) of section 43-247 shall not be taken.
(3) If the judge permits the fingerprinting, the fingerprints must be filed by law enforcement officers in files kept separate from those of persons of the age of majority.
(4) The fingerprints of any juvenile shall not be sent to a state or federal depository by a law enforcement agency of this state unless: (a) The juvenile has been convicted of or adjudged to have committed a felony; (b) the juvenile has unlawfully terminated his or her commitment to a youth rehabilitation and treatment center; or (c) the juvenile is a runaway and a fingerprint check is needed for identification purposes to return the juvenile to his or her parent.