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U.S. State Codes
Title 82. Minerals, Oil, an...
Chapter 4. Reclamation
Part 2. Coal and Uranium Mine Reclamation
Part 2. Coal and Uranium Mine Reclamation
82-4-201. Short title
82-4-202. Intent -- policy -- findings
82-4-203. Definitions
82-4-204. Board rules
82-4-205. Administration by department and board
82-4-206. Procedure for contested case hearings
82-4-207. Rulemaking -- in situ coal gasification
82-4-208. through 82-4-220 reserved
82-4-221. Mining permit required
82-4-222. Permit application -- application revisions
82-4-223. Surety bond
82-4-224. Repealed
82-4-225. Application for increase or reduction in permit area
82-4-226. Prospecting permit
82-4-227. Refusal of permit -- applicant violator system
82-4-228. Designation of land unsuitable for coal mining
82-4-229. and 82-4-230 reserved
82-4-231. Submission of and action on reclamation plan
82-4-232. Area mining required -- bond -- alternative plan
82-4-233. Planting of vegetation following grading of disturbed area
82-4-234. Commencement of reclamation
82-4-235. Determination of successful revegetation -- final bond release
82-4-236. Vegetation as property of landowner
82-4-237. Operator to file annual reports
82-4-238. Successor operator
82-4-239. Reclamation
82-4-240. Reclamation of lands after bond forfeited
82-4-241. Receipts paid into general fund -- disposition of bond forfeiture money
82-4-242. Funds received by department
82-4-243. Subsidence
82-4-244. Coal and uranium mine permitting and reclamation program account
82-4-245. through 82-4-249 reserved
82-4-250. Operating permit revocation -- permit transfer
82-4-251. Noncompliance -- suspension of permits
82-4-252. Mandamus
82-4-253. Suit for damage to water supply
82-4-254. Violation -- penalty -- waiver