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U.S. State Codes
Title 7. Local Government
Chapter 3. Alternative Form...
Part 3. Commission-Manager Government
Part 3. Commission-Manager Government
7-3-301. Commission-manager form
7-3-302. Nature of government
7-3-303. Appointment of manager
7-3-304. Duties of manager
7-3-305. Employees of commission-manager government
7-3-306. through 7-3-310 reserved
7-3-311. Structural suboptions
7-3-312. Appointment to boards
7-3-313. Selection of commission members
7-3-314. Type of election
7-3-315. Presiding officer of commission
7-3-316. Terms of commission members
7-3-317. Size of commission and community councils
7-3-318. Terms of elected officials