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U.S. State Codes
Title 69. Public Utilities ...
Chapter 3. Regulation of Ut...
Part 3. Ratemaking Procedures
Part 3. Ratemaking Procedures
69-3-301. Schedule of rates, tolls, and charges
69-3-302. Changes in schedules
69-3-303. Notice and hearing on proposed change
69-3-304. Temporary approval of rate increases or decreases
69-3-305. Deviations from scheduled rates, tolls, and charges
69-3-306. Classification of service
69-3-307. Treatment of advertisement costs and contributions
69-3-308. Disclosure of taxes and fees paid by customers of public utility -- automatic rate adjustment and tracking for taxes and fees
69-3-309. reserved
69-3-310. Rulemaking authority
69-3-311. through 69-3-320 reserved
69-3-321. Complaints against public utility -- hearing
69-3-322. Treatment of multiple complaints
69-3-323. Complaint by public utility
69-3-324. Initiation of action by commission itself
69-3-325. Notice of hearing
69-3-326. Conduct of hearing
69-3-327. Subpoena of witnesses
69-3-328. Depositions of witnesses
69-3-329. Immunity for witnesses
69-3-330. Decision by commission
69-3-331. Cost tracking and recovery