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U.S. State Codes
Title 40. Family Law
Chapter 5. Enforcement of S...
Part 8. Medical Support Order Enforcement
Part 8. Medical Support Order Enforcement
40-5-801. Short title
40-5-802. Purpose
40-5-803. Scope
40-5-804. Definitions
40-5-805. Establishing medical support orders
40-5-806. Contents of medical support order
40-5-807. Mandatory provisions of medical support order
40-5-808. Persistence and duration of obligation
40-5-809. Effect of order on health benefit plans
40-5-810. Notice of intent to enroll -- order to enroll -- authorization to enroll and participate in health benefit plan -- rules
40-5-811. Authorization to cure nonpayment of health benefit plan premium
40-5-812. Obligations of health benefit plan
40-5-813. Obligation of payor
40-5-814. Obtaining information
40-5-815. Paying claims
40-5-816. Newborn children
40-5-817. Adopted children -- preexisting conditions
40-5-818. Nonexclusion -- nondiscrimination by health benefit plan
40-5-819. Medical assistance eligibility
40-5-820. Void health benefit plans
40-5-821. Penalty imposed by tribunal
40-5-822. Duties of parents -- consequences of noncompliance
40-5-823. Health coverage -- notice of intent to purchase
40-5-824. Expedited enforcement procedures
40-5-825. Rulemaking authority