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U.S. State Codes
Title 20. Education
Chapter 5. Pupils
Part 3. Attendance Outside School District
Part 3. Attendance Outside School District
20-5-301. Repealed
20-5-302. Repealed
20-5-303. Repealed
20-5-304. Repealed
20-5-305. Repealed
20-5-306. Repealed
20-5-307. Repealed
20-5-308. through 20-5-310 reserved
20-5-311. Repealed
20-5-312. Repealed
20-5-313. Repealed
20-5-314. Reciprocal attendance agreement with adjoining state or province
20-5-315. Repealed
20-5-316. Repealed
20-5-317. through 20-5-319 reserved
20-5-320. Attendance with discretionary approval
20-5-321. Attendance with mandatory approval -- tuition and transportation
20-5-322. Residency determination -- notification -- appeal for attendance agreement
20-5-323. Tuition and transportation rates
20-5-324. Tuition report and payment provisions