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U.S. State Codes
Title 20. Education
Chapter 5. Pupils
Part 1. Attendance
Part 1. Attendance
20-5-101. Admittance of child to school
20-5-102. Compulsory enrollment and excuses
20-5-103. Compulsory attendance and excuses
20-5-104. Attendance officer
20-5-105. Attendance officer -- powers and duties
20-5-106. Truancy
20-5-107. Incapacitated and indigent child attendance
20-5-108. Tribal agreement with district for Indian child compulsory attendance and other agreements
20-5-109. Nonpublic school requirements for compulsory enrollment exemption
20-5-110. School district assessment for placement of a child who enrolls from a nonaccredited, nonpublic school
20-5-111. Responsibilities and rights of parent who provides home school