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U.S. State Codes
Title 17. State Finance
Chapter 5. Public Bond Issues
Part 13. Montana Unified Volume Cap Bond Alloca...
Part 13. Montana Unified Volume Cap Bond Allocation Plan Act
17-5-1301. Short title
17-5-1302. Definitions
17-5-1303. through 17-5-1310 reserved
17-5-1311. State's volume cap and reservations -- department to adopt rule
17-5-1312. Allocation to state issuers
17-5-1313. Allocation to local issuers
17-5-1314. Authorization by the governor
17-5-1315. Carryforward elections
17-5-1316. Allocations by the department
17-5-1317. Notification of approval or disapproval by the department
17-5-1318. Terms of allocations
17-5-1319. and 17-5-1320 reserved
17-5-1321. Allocations not transferable
17-5-1322. Reapplication
17-5-1323. Recordkeeping
17-5-1324. reserved
17-5-1325. Reassignment of bonding authority for agricultural purposes -- contingency