Effective 28 Aug 1949
545.650. Change of venue and disqualification of judges in multiple-judge circuits. — In all circuits composed of a single county having more than one judge, no change of venue shall be allowed by said circuit court to the circuit court of any other county in this state for the cause that the judge sitting for the trial of said suit is prejudiced, nor for the cause that the opposite party has undue influence over the judge, but if any such legal objection is made to the judge assigned to try any case, then such case shall be transferred to another division of said circuit court presided over by a different judge. Only one such application shall be made by the same party in the same case, and shall be made as to only one of the judges of said court.
(RSMo 1939 § 2232, A. 1949 H.B. 2142)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 2130; 1919 § 2633; 1909 § 4166