Effective 28 Aug 1939
172.200. Treasurer's bond. — The treasurer of the board shall, upon his appointment, and before he enters upon the duties of his office, give bond to the state of Missouri, to the use of the curators of the University of the State of Missouri, with good and solvent sureties, in such sum as may be required by the board, to be approved by the board and filed among their papers and records, conditioned that he will faithfully administer the university funds coming into his hands, and disburse and invest the same according to the directions of the board of curators; and such bond shall be renewed every two years or oftener, if deemed necessary by the board of curators.
(RSMo 1939 § 10806)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9649; 1919 § 11546; 1909 § 11120