Effective 28 Aug 1939
88.653. Declaration of necessity for improvement. — Whenever the council or other legislative body of such city shall deem such improvement necessary to be done, whether on petition or otherwise, it shall by ordinance declare such improvement necessary to be done together with the reason therefor and shall cause plans and specifications for such work and improvement together with an estimate of the cost thereof, to be prepared by the city engineer or other proper officer and filed with the city clerk of such city subject to inspection of public, which said ordinance shall also set out in detail the course along which the water main pipes are to be laid, the depth, the dimensions of the pipe, the source and the termination thereof, together with the necessary valves and other equipment and appurtenances in connection with the said pipe and cause said ordinance to be published in some newspaper printed in the city.
(RSMo 1939 § 7526)
Prior revision: 1929 § 7372