Effective 28 Aug 2013
54.280. County collector-treasurer, duties — fees authorized. — 1. The county collector-treasurer of counties having adopted or which may hereafter adopt township organization shall have the power to collect all current, back, and delinquent real and personal property taxes, including merchants' and manufacturers' licenses, taxes on railroads and utilities, and other corporations, the current and delinquent or nonresident lands or town lots, and all other local taxes, including ditch and levee taxes, and to prosecute for and make sale thereof, the same that is now or may hereafter be vested in the county collectors under the general laws of this state. The collector-treasurer shall, at the time of making his annual settlement in each year, deposit the tax books in the office of the county clerk, and within thirty days thereafter the clerk shall make, in a book to be called "the back tax book", a correct list, in numerical order, of all tracts of land and town lots which have been returned delinquent, and return said list to the collector-treasurer, taking his or her receipt therefor.
2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, for the collection of all current real estate and personal property taxes and current delinquent real estate and personal property taxes, the collector-treasurer shall collect on behalf of the county the following fees to be deposited into the county general fund:
(1) In any county in which the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied for any one year is five million dollars or less, a fee of three percent on the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied;
(2) In any county in which the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied for any one year exceeds five million dollars but is equal to or less than nine million dollars, a fee of two and one-half percent on the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied;
(3) In any county in which the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied for any one year is greater than nine million dollars but equal to or less than thirteen million dollars, a fee of two percent on the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied;
(4) In any county in which the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied for any one year is greater than thirteen million dollars, a fee of one and one-half percent on the total amount of real estate and personal property taxes levied.
(RSMo 1939 § 13989, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with S.B. 210, A.L. 2013 H.B. 175)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 12312; 1919 § 13225; 1909 § 11713