Whenever the commissioner shall approve it, any state trust company may sell and transfer to any other trust institution, whether state or federally chartered, all of its assets of every kind upon such terms as may be agreed upon and approved by the commissioner and by two-thirds (⅔) vote of its board of directors or members. A certified copy of the minutes of any meeting at which such action is taken, under the oath of the president and secretary, together with a copy of the contract of sale and transfer, shall be filed with the commissioner. Whenever voluntary liquidation shall be approved by the commissioner or the sale and transfer of the assets of any state trust company shall be approved by the commissioner, a certified copy of such approval under seal of the commissioner, filed in the office of the Secretary of State, shall authorize the cancellation of the charter of such state trust company, subject, however, to its continued existence, as provided by this chapter and the general law relative to corporations.