(1) If an affidavit or the certificate of the officer before whom the affidavit is taken is required and such affidavit or certificate is found to be insufficient, or if it is found that the signatures do not correspond, or that the applicant is not a duly qualified elector in the precinct, or otherwise qualified to vote, or that the ballot envelope is open or has been opened and resealed, or the voter is not eligible to vote absentee or that the voter is present and has voted within the precinct where he represents himself to be a qualified elector, or otherwise qualified to vote, on the date of the election at such precinct, the previously cast vote shall not be allowed. Without opening the voter’s envelope the commissioners of election, designated executive committee members or election managers, as appropriate, shall mark across its face “REJECTED”, with the reason therefor.
(2) If the ballot envelope contains more than one (1) ballot of any kind, the ballot shall not be counted but shall be marked “REJECTED”, with the reason therefor. The voter’s envelopes and affidavits, and the voter’s envelope with its contents unopened, when such vote is rejected, shall be retained and preserved in the same manner as other ballots at the election. Such votes may be challenged in the same manner and for the same reasons that any other vote cast in such election may be challenged.
(3) If an affidavit is required and the officials find that the affidavit is insufficient, or if the officials find that the absentee voter is otherwise disqualified to vote, the envelope shall not be opened and a commissioner or executive committee member shall write across the face of the envelope “REJECTED” giving the reason therefor, and the registrar shall promptly notify the voter of such rejection.
(4) The ballots marked “REJECTED” shall be placed in a separate envelope in the secure ballot transfer case and delivered to the officials in charge of conducting the election at the central tabulation point of the county.