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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 560 - Subdivision C...
Act 288 of 1967 Land Divisi...
288-1967-PRELIMINARY-PLATS Preliminary Plats (5...
288-1967-PRELIMINARY-PLATS Preliminary Plats (560.111...560.120)
Section 560.111 Preliminary Plat; Specifications; Requirements; Preapplication Review Meeting.
Section 560.112 Preliminary Plat; Tentative Approval; Time Period; Extension.
Section 560.112a Preliminary Plat; Submission of Copies to Officer or Agency; Review and Action; Time Period.
Section 560.113 Preliminary Plat; County Road Commissioner's Approval or Rejection.
Section 560.114 Preliminary Plat; County Drain Commissioner's Approval or Rejection.
Section 560.115 Preliminary Plat; State Transportation Department's Approval or Rejection.
Section 560.116 Preliminary Plat; Department of Environmental Quality's Approval or Rejection.
Section 560.117 Preliminary Plat; Approval or Rejection; Fees; Disposition of Fees.
Section 560.118 Preliminary Plat; Health Department's Approval or Rejection.
Section 560.119 Preliminary Plat; Submission to County Plat Board and Public Utilities.
Section 560.120 Final Approval; Proprietor's Rights and Duties; Procedure; Time Period; Extension.