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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 457 - Fraternal Ass...
Act 41 of 1877 St. Andrew's Societies (457.21 -...
Act 41 of 1877 St. Andrew's Societies (457.21 - 457.27)
Section 457.21 St. Andrew's Societies; Incorporators.
Section 457.22 Articles of Association; Execution, Contents.
Section 457.23 Filing Copy of Articles of Association With Department of Commerce; Signers of Articles, Associates, and Successors as Body Politic and Corporate; Powers; Evidence of Existence and Incorporation.
Section 457.24 Property; Holding, Disposition.
Section 457.25 By-Laws and Rules; Officers, Powers.
Section 457.26 Erection of Buildings; Capital Stock, Creation, Shares.
Section 457.27 Governing Law; Amendment of Act.