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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 450 - Corporations
Act 162 of 1982 Nonprofit C...
162-1982-10 Chapter 10 (450.3001...450.3099)
162-1982-10 Chapter 10 (450.3001...450.3099)
Section 450.3001 Foreign Corporation Authorized to Conduct Affairs in This State on January 1, 1983; Rights and Privileges; Duties, Restrictions, Penalties, and Liabilities.
Section 450.3002 Foreign Corporation Receiving Certificate of Authority Under Act; Rights and Privileges; Duties, Restrictions, Penalties, and Liabilities.
Section 450.3003 Foreign Corporation Conducting Affairs Without Certificate of Authority; Duties, Restrictions, Penalties, and Liabilities.
Section 450.3011 Foreign Corporation; Certificate of Authority Required; Extent of Authorization to Conduct Affairs in State.
Section 450.3012 Foreign Corporation Not Considered to Be Conducting Affairs in State; Activities; Applicability of Section.
Section 450.3013 Acquisition of Federally Insured or Guaranteed Loan by Foreign Corporation.
Section 450.3015 Application of Foreign Corporation for Certificate of Authority to Conduct Affairs in State; Contents.
Section 450.3016 Application of Foreign Corporation to Conduct Affairs in State; Certificate; Attachment; Fees; Issuance of Certificate; Duration of Authority.
Section 450.3021 Foreign Corporation Authorized to Conduct Affairs in State; Filing With Administrator Copy of Amended Application; Contents; Survivor of Merger or Conversion.
Section 450.3031 Foreign Corporation Authorized to Conduct Affairs in State; Withdrawal; Certificate; Application.
Section 450.3032 Issuance of Certificate of Withdrawal to Foreign Corporation; Conditions; Effect.
Section 450.3035 Foreign Corporation Authorized to Conduct Affairs in State; Dissolution; Termination or Cancellation of Authority or Existence; Merger, Conversion, or Consolidation; Filing Information, Certificate, Order, or Judgment With Administrator; Payment of Fees; Certificate of Withdrawal.
Section 450.3041 Revocation of Certificate of Authority of Foreign Corporation to Conduct Affairs in State; Grounds.
Section 450.3042 Revocation of Certificate of Authority of Foreign Corporation to Conduct Affairs in State; Notice of Default; Certificate of Revocation; Force and Effect.
Section 450.3051 Action Commenced by Foreign Corporation Without Certificate of Authority Prohibited; Order of Dismissal; Effect of Failure to Obtain Certificate of Authority on Validity of Contract and Act of Corporation; Defense of Action or Proceeding.
Section 450.3055 Foreign Corporation Conducting Affairs in State Without Certificate of Authority; Penalty.
Section 450.3060 Fees; Payment; Certification of File or Record; Waiver; Form of Payment.
Section 450.3061 Fee for Privilege of Exercising Franchises in State.
Section 450.3098 Repeal of Acts and Parts of Acts.
Section 450.3099 Effective Date of Act.