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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 440 - Uniform Comme...
Act 174 of 1962 Uniform Com...
Article-1 4 - a Funds Trans...
174-1962-4A-3 Part 3 Execution of Sender's Paym...
174-1962-4A-3 Part 3 Execution of Sender's Payment Order by Receiving Bank (440.4801...440.4805)
Section 440.4801 Execution of Payment Order; “Execution Date” Defined.
Section 440.4802 Receiving Bank; Acceptance of Payment Order Pursuant to Mcl 440.4709(1); Obligations of Bank to Execute Order; Use of Funds-Transfer System; Transmission by First-Class Mail or Reasonable Means; Payment of Charges for Services and Expenses.
Section 440.4803 Receiving Bank; Payment of Sender's Order Pursuant to Mcl 440.4902(3); Effect of Erroneous Payment Order; Applicability of Subsection (2); Obligation of Sender to Pay Payment Order; Recovery by Issuer From Beneficiary.
Section 440.4804 Notification From Receiving Bank of Erroneously Executed Payment Order; Duties of Sender; Obligation to Pay Interest; Recovery by Bank Prohibited.
Section 440.4805 Receiving Bank; Payment Delay; Interest; Liability to Originator for Expenses Resulting From Improper Execution; Recovery of Damages; Failure to Execute Pursuant to Express Agreement; Attorney Fees; Liability of Bank Under Subsections (1) and (2) Not Varied by Agreement.