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U.S. State Codes
Chapter 339 - Occupational ...
Act 299 of 1980 Occupationa...
Article 12 - (339.1201...339.1218)
Article 12 - (339.1201...339.1218)
Section 339.1201 Definitions.
Section 339.1202 Board of Cosmetology; Creation; Qualifications of Members.
Section 339.1203 Promulgation of Sanitary Rules.
Section 339.1203a Cosmetology Services; License Required; Exception; Scope of License; Limitations; Shampoo Services by Cosmetology Student; Requirements; Records; Verification Letter.
Section 339.1203b Cosmetology Establishment or School of Cosmetology; School or Establishment License Required.
Section 339.1204 Cosmetology Establishment; Issuance of License; Separation From Dwelling or School of Cosmetology; Limited License; Temporary License; Effect of Transferring Ownership or Location; Displaying or Posting License.
Section 339.1205 Operation of School of Cosmetology; Issuance of License; Requirements; Apprenticeship Program; License Limited to Teaching Electrology; Effect of Transferring Ownership or Location.
Section 339.1206 Issuance of License as Cosmetology, Electrology, Limited, or Specialist Instructor.
Section 339.1207 Cosmetologist; Qualifications.
Section 339.1208 Electrologist; Qualifications.
Section 339.1209 Manicurist; Qualifications.
Section 339.1210 Esthetician; Qualifications.
Section 339.1210a License to Practice Natural Hair Cultivation; Qualifications.
Section 339.1211 Granting License to Individual Licensed to Perform Cosmetology Services in Another State; Application; Qualifications; Applicant for Licensure Having Qualifications Acquired Outside United States; Proof of Training or Experience; Determination.
Section 339.1212, 339.1213 Repealed. 1988, Act 463, Eff. Sept. 1, 1989.
Section 339.1214 Enrolling Student or Apprentice in Cosmetology School or Establishment; Application; Proof of Ninth Grade Education or Equivalent; Exception.
Section 339.1215 Repealed. 1988, Act 463, Eff. Sept. 1, 1989.
Section 339.1216 Repealed. 1997, Act 97, Imd. Eff. Aug. 7, 1997.
Section 339.1217 Prohibited Conduct; Penalties.
Section 339.1217a Demonstration of Product on Face of Customer.
Section 339.1218 Cosmetology Establishment and School of Cosmetology; Inspections.