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451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-6 Subp...
451-1994-III-2-4-THE-TIMBER-INDUSTRY-501-6 Subpart 6 Cost-Sharing and Loans for Forest Practices (324.50145...324.50155)
Section 324.50145 Agreements to Share Cost of Forest Practices; Schedule of Cost Share Percentages.
Section 324.50146 Loans to Members; Purpose; Term; Interest; Security; Recordation of Mortgage or Deed of Trust; Repayment Before Maturity Date; Damage as Grounds for Release of Obligation.
Section 324.50147 Annual Incentive Payments to Members; Purpose; Application of Income From Sale of Timber; Term; Interest; Limitation; Security; Recordation of Mortgage or Deed of Trust; Effect of Voluntary Withdrawal of Member; Damage as Grounds for Release of Obligation.
Section 324.50148 Cost-Share Payments, Loans, or Annual Incentive Payments; Eligibility; Conditions; Guidelines.
Section 324.50149 Applications for Financial Assistance; Selection of Programs; Factors; Preferences; Criteria for Evaluation and Approval.
Section 324.50150 Cost-Share Payments, Loans, or Annual Incentive Payments; Federal Payments or Other Assistance; Limitation.
Section 324.50151 Cost-Share Payments, Loans, or Annual Incentive Payments; Refund; Interest; Payments as Lien on Forest Land; Filing Lien; Legal Action.
Section 324.50152 Severance and Service Fees Generally.
Section 324.50153 Schedule of Fees for Services; Establishment; Uniform Severance Fee.
Section 324.50154 Severance and Service Fees; Collection and Disposition; Responsibility for Payment of Severance Fee; Stumpage Values and Units of Measurement; Remittance; Reports; Records.
Section 324.50155 Collection of Fees; Enforcement.