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U.S. State Codes
Labor and Employment
Title 3 - Employment Standa...
Subtitle 7 - Miscellaneous
Subtitle 7 - Miscellaneous
§ 3-701. Medical questions
§ 3-702. Lie detector tests
§ 3-703. Volunteer activities
§ 3-704. Day of rest -- Retail and wholesale establishments
§ 3-705. Pension plans
§ 3-707. Interpreters
§ 3-708. Active service in the armed forces of the United States -- Renewal of licenses; credit for apprenticeship
§ 3-709. Jury service
§ 3-710. Healthy Retail Employee Act
§ 3-711. Job applicant fairness act
§ 3-712. User name and password privacy protection and exclusions
§ 3-713. Payments or deduction from wages -- Tipped employees.
§ 3-714. Hiring and promotion preferences -- Veterans and veterans' spouses.
§ 3-715. Contractual provision waiving right to claim of sexual harassment or retaliation deemed null and void
§ 3-716. Noncompete or conflict of interest provision in contract.