NOTE: §100.51 eff. until July 1, 2020. See Acts 2018, No. 612.
§100.51. Health Care Redesign Fund
A. The legislature hereby finds that there is a critical need for health care services in areas of the state affected by the hurricanes of 2005. It further finds that the existing health care delivery system experienced severe stresses during its response to these disasters and that redesign of the system of health care delivery is desirable and necessary in both the hurricane-affected areas of Louisiana and on a statewide basis. The Health Care Redesign Collaborative, as established by House Concurrent Resolution Number 127 of the 2006 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature, has completed its work and submitted a final report that recommended the development of Medical Home and Health Information Technology Systems and the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum. The legislature further finds that this redesign effort will require both transitional and permanent changes in the state's medical assistance programs and their financing. It is the purpose of this Subpart to establish a mechanism for accumulating and distributing financial resources associated with this redesign effort.
B. There is hereby established in the state treasury, as a special fund, the Health Care Redesign Fund, hereinafter referred to as the "fund".
C. The source of monies deposited into the fund shall be any monies appropriated annually by the legislature including federal funds, donations, gifts, or grants, and any other monies which may be provided by law. The monies in this fund shall be appropriated, administered, and used solely for the purpose of supporting initiatives for the redesign and improved efficiency of the health care system in Louisiana, as provided in Subsection D of this Section. All unexpended and unencumbered monies in this fund at the end of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund. The monies in the fund shall be invested by the state treasurer in the same manner as monies in the state general fund, and interest earned on the investment of monies shall be credited to this fund.
D. Monies in the fund shall be appropriated and used solely to pay costs and expenses associated with the following health care initiatives and services:
(1) Development of a medical home to serve the low income uninsured population and reduce the incidence of emergency room services.
(2) Funding to maintain, administer and improve the following health care areas:
(a) Essential behavioral health services in the Louisiana Department of Health including mental health services and addictive disorders services.
(b) Recommendations for statewide mental health system improvements contained in Louisiana's Plan for Access to Mental Health Care.
(c) Expansion of health insurance through the state's Medicaid program.
(d) Reengineering of the state's vital records system to reconstitute records lost or damaged as a result of Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita, and to provide for effective creation, storage, and retrieval of such records.
(e) Provision of services that are expected to achieve improved standards of care and better health outcomes for the following:
(i) Essential developmental disabilities, substance abuse and mental health services by the Louisiana Department of Health.
(ii) Essential adult and aging services by the Louisiana Department of Health.
(iii) Essential public health services by the Louisiana Department of Health.
(iv) Essential primary and preventive health care services by the Louisiana Department of Health.
(v) Health care services provided via the Medicaid program operated by the Louisiana Department of Health, including the enhancement of provider reimbursement rates that improves Medicaid enrollee access to care, provided that such care is consistent with the goals of this redesign effort.
(3) Initiatives of the Louisiana Health Care Quality Forum designed to improve the quality of health and health care throughout Louisiana in a cost effective, transparent manner and within a safe, peer-protected environment.
(4) Initiatives to further the adoption and use of health information technology as it relates to improving the quality, efficiency, cost, and safety of health care for Louisiana residents, including but not limited to implementation of national Health Information Technology/Health Information Exchange standards at the state and local levels, building of the health information exchange infrastructure, and adoption of electronic medical records and other clinical information and decision support systems at the health care provider level.
(5) Assistance for health care workforce development and employee retention which shall include: training; student loan repayment; physician payments for uncompensated care; and also transitional support for medical practitioners who provide comprehensive, continuing, and outcome-based patient care for Medicaid and uninsured patients in the Louisiana Department of Health Regions 1 and 5.
E. In considering any new initiative to be supported by this fund, the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health shall determine that such initiative, at a minimum, meets the following criteria:
(1) Is designed to improve health care outcomes of affected populations.
(2) Is an efficient, effective use of physical, professional, and financial resources.
(3) Is subject to continuous monitoring and, where necessary, may be modified to avoid undesirable outcomes.
(4) Is sustainable over the time period for which such initiative is expected to operate.
NOTE: §100.51 as repealed by Acts 2018, No. 612, eff. July 1, 2020.
§100.51. Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 612, §22, eff. July 1, 2020.
Acts 2007, No. 172, §1, eff. June 27, 2007; Acts 2018, No. 612, §22, eff. July 1, 2020.