96A.020 Creation of authority -- Which governmental units may form or join -- General powers and purposes. (1) A transit authority may be created and established under the provisions of this chapter by proceedings or joint proceedings, and the name thereof shall be "Transit Authority of ....." If established by a city alone, or by a county alone, the name shall be completed by identification of the city or county. If created and established by joint proceedings, the name may be completed by inserting words generally identifying the area intended to be served, in such manner as the public bodies may determine by concert or agreement in their joint proceedings. Such transit authority shall constitute an agency and instrumentality for accomplishing essential governmental functions of the public body or public bodies creating and establishing the same, and shall be a political subdivision and a public body corporate, with power to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to establish, alter and enforce rules and regulations in furtherance of the purposes of its creation, to adopt, use and alter a corporate seal, and to have and exercise, generally, all of the powers of private corporations, as enumerated in KRS 271B.3- 020, except to the extent the same may be inconsistent with this chapter. An authority shall be authorized to promote and develop mass transportation in its transit area and adjoining areas, including acquisition, operation and extension of existing mass transit systems; and an authority shall have and may exercise such powers as may be necessary or desirable to carry out such purposes. (2) Subsequent to the creation and establishment of a transit authority, one (1) or more additional public bodies may be permitted to join therein, in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the board of the authority with the concurrence and approval of all public bodies which have theretofore participated in the establishment or previous enlargement of the authority. Effective: June 24, 2015 History: Amended 2015 Ky. Acts ch. 19, sec. 35, effective June 24, 2015. -- Amended 1988 Ky. Acts ch. 23, sec. 174, effective January 1, 1989. -- Amended 1986 Ky. Acts ch. 160, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1986. -- Amended 1980 Ky. Acts ch. 324, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1980. -- Amended 1972 Ky. Acts ch. 274, sec. 145. -- Created 1970 Ky. Acts ch. 243, sec. 3.