61.740 Information required to be filed. (1) Persons required to file information under KRS 61.710 to 61.780 shall file with the Registry of Election Finance the following: (a) A description of each financial interest, direct or indirect, of a value of $1,000 or greater of himself, his spouse and his dependents, and his principal employer. Exempted from this disclosure are interests in the form of accounts in banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions and equity interests valued at less than $1,000. (b) A list of every office, directorship or employment held by the subject individual and by his spouse and dependents and his principal employer in any entity regardless of the income received or equity held, excepting such activities in political, religious or charitable entities if compensation of less than $1,000 per year is received. (c) A list of all entities to whom the subject individual and his principal employer furnished compensated services valued at more than $1,000 during the period covered by the report. (2) The values of the interests required to be reported under this section need not be disclosed. Any entity required to be reported under this section need not be identified by name. Such entity may instead be identified by the principal types of economic activities in which it engages, together with such additional detail, to be prescribed by the registry, as will fairly indicate its interests. Where disclosure is required because of legal services rendered to it, such entity may also be described by the type of legal services rendered to it. History: Created 1972 Ky. Acts ch. 229, sec. 4.