39A.354 Regulation of practice of volunteer health practitioners during a medical emergency. (1) While an emergency declaration is in effect, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services in coordination with the Kentucky Division of Emergency Management and the appropriate Kentucky licensure boards may regulate: (a) The duration and scope of practice by volunteer health practitioners; (b) The geographical areas in which volunteer health practitioners may practice; (c) The types of volunteer health practitioners who may practice; and (d) Any other matters necessary to coordinate effectively the provision of health services during the emergency. (2) An order issued pursuant to subsection (1) of this section may take effect immediately, without prior notice or comment. (3) A host entity that uses volunteer health practitioners to provide health services in this state shall: (a) Consult and coordinate its activities with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to the extent practicable to provide for the efficient and effective use of volunteer health practitioners; and (b) Comply with any laws relating to the management of emergency health services, in addition to KRS 39A.350 to 39A.366. Effective: June 26, 2007 History: Created 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 96, sec. 3, effective June 26, 2007. Legislative Research Commission Note (6/26/2007) 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 96 (2007 House Bill 287) "established" KRS Chapter 39G and created new sections thereof. However, at the time that House Bill 287 was enacted another KRS Chapter 39G was already in existence. The Reviser of Statutes determined that the newly created sections would be more appropriately placed in KRS Chapter 39A and has placed Sections 1 to 9 of Acts ch. 96 within KRS Chapter 39A, under the authority of KRS 7.136(1)(a).