161.030 Certification authority -- Assessments of beginning teachers and teachers seeking additional certification -- Conditional certificates -- Temporary certificates -- Internship -- Beginning teacher committee -- Resource teachers.

KY Rev Stat § 161.030 (2019) (N/A)
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161.030 Certification authority -- Assessments of beginning teachers and teachers seeking additional certification -- Conditional certificates -- Temporary certificates -- Internship -- Beginning teacher committee -- Resource teachers. (1) Notwithstanding the age of the pupil, the certification of all teachers and other school personnel, in public schools only, is vested in the Education Professional Standards Board. When so certified, teachers and other school personnel shall not be required to have licensure, certification, or other forms of approval from any other state agency for the performance of their respective assignments within the common schools, except as provided for by law. All certificates authorized under KRS 161.010 to 161.126 shall be issued in accordance with the administrative regulations of the Education Professional Standards Board. After July 15, 1994, all certificate applications and other data collection instruments of the board shall include a request for voluntary information about the applicant's ethnic background. This information shall be available to help local school districts locate minority candidates. A person who holds a certificate prior to this requirement may request that ethnic information be added to his or her file. Nothing in this section shall preclude the right of an individual in a nonpublic school from seeking voluntary certification by the Education Professional Standards Board. (2) Certificates shall be issued upon written application and in accordance with statutes and regulations in effect at the time of application to persons who have completed, at colleges, universities, or local school district programs approved by the Education Professional Standards Board for the preparation of teachers and other school personnel, the curricula prescribed by the administrative regulations of the Education Professional Standards Board. (3) (a) Certification of all new teachers and teachers seeking additional certification shall require the successful completion of appropriate assessments prior to certification. The assessments shall be selected by the Education Professional Standards Board and shall measure knowledge in the specific teaching field of the applicant, including content of the field and teaching of that content. The Education Professional Standards Board shall determine the minimum acceptable level of achievement on each assessment. The assessments shall measure those concepts, ideas, and facts which are being taught in teacher education programs in Kentucky. Upon successful completion of the assessments and the approved teacher preparation program, a certificate valid for one (1) year shall be issued. (b) If an applicant for teacher certification has completed the approved teacher preparation program and has taken but failed to successfully complete the appropriate assessments selected by the Education Professional Standards Board, a conditional certificate may be issued for a period not to exceed one (1) year, if the employing school district, in collaboration with the teacher education institution, agrees to provide technical assistance and mentoring support to the conditionally certified teacher. The teacher shall retake the assessments during the validity period of the conditional certificate. The conditional certificate shall not be reissued. Upon successful completion of (c) the required assessments, a certificate valid for one (1) year shall be issued and the teacher shall be eligible to participate in the internship program as provided in subsection (5) of this section. The teacher shall not be eligible to participate in the internship program while teaching on the conditional certificate. The Education Professional Standards Board shall promulgate administrative regulations to establish the standards and procedures for issuance of the conditional certificate. If an out-of-state teacher with less than two (2) years' experience comes to Kentucky after the deadline for taking the assessments, a temporary certificate may be issued for a period up to six (6) months provided the local board cannot fill the vacant position with a certified teacher. The teacher shall take the assessments if they are administered during the period of the temporary certificate. The certificate shall be extended for the remainder of the year if the teacher successfully completes the assessments. If the teacher fails the assessments, the temporary certificate shall be valid only for the current semester. (4) A reasonable fee to be paid by the teacher and directly related to the actual cost of the administration of the assessments shall be established by the Education Professional Standards Board. Provisions shall be made for persons having less than minimum levels of performance on any assessment to repeat that assessment, and candidates shall be informed of their strengths and weaknesses in the specific performance areas. The Education Professional Standards Board shall provide for confidentiality of the individual assessment scores. Scores shall be available only to the candidate and to the education officials who are responsible for determining whether established certification standards have been met. Scores shall be used only in the assessment for certification of new teachers and of out-of-state teachers with less than two (2) years of teaching experience who are seeking initial certification in Kentucky. (5) Except as provided in subsection (3)(b) of this section, all new teachers and out-of- state teachers with less than two (2) years of successful teaching experience who are seeking initial certification in Kentucky shall serve a one (1) year internship. The teacher shall be a full-time employee or shall have an annual contract and serve on at least a half-time basis and shall have supervision, assistance, and assessment during the one (1) year internship. The internship may be served in a public school or a nonpublic school which meets the state performance standards as established in KRS 156.160 or which has been accredited by a regional or national accrediting association. Successful completion shall be determined by a majority vote of the beginning teacher committee. The internship period shall be counted as experience for the purpose of continuing contract status, retirement eligibility, and benefits for single salary experience increments. Upon successful completion of the beginning teacher program, the one (1) year initial teaching certificate shall be extended for the remainder of the usual duration period established for that particular certificate by Education Professional Standards Board administrative regulations. (6) The beginning teacher committee shall be composed of three (3) persons who have successfully completed special training in the supervision and assessment of the performance of beginning teachers as provided in subsection (8) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (g) of this subsection. The committee shall consist of a resource teacher, the school principal of the school where the internship is served, and a teacher educator appointed by a state-approved teacher training institution. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) If more than two (2) teacher interns are employed in the same school, the principal's responsibility may be shared with an assistant principal who holds certification as a principal. In unusual situations, the Education Professional Standards Board may permit the assistant principal to serve in lieu of the principal on a beginning teacher committee. If the teacher training institution is unable to provide a member, the district superintendent shall appoint an instructional supervisor from the school district. If the intern is teaching in a regionally or nationally accredited nonpublic school without a principal, the person filling the principal member position may have other appropriate qualifications as required by administrative regulations promulgated by the Education Professional Standards Board. If the teacher training institution is unable to provide a member to serve on the beginning teacher committee in a nonpublic school, the chief officer of the school shall appoint an instructional supervisor or a teacher with like qualifications and responsibilities to serve on the beginning teacher committee in lieu of the teacher educator. (f) The resource teacher shall be appointed by the Education Professional Standards Board with recommendations from the local school district from a pool of qualified resource teachers, and, any statutes to the contrary notwithstanding and to the extent of available appropriations, shall be entitled to be paid a reasonable stipend by the Education Professional Standards Board for work done outside normal working hours. In the case of a resource teacher in a nonpublic school, payment shall be made directly to the resource teacher by the Education Professional Standards Board. Priority shall be given to resource teachers in the following order, except as provided in paragraph (g) of this subsection: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (g) 1. Teachers with the same certification in the same school; Teachers with the same certification in the same district; Teachers in the same school; Teachers in the same district; and Teachers in an adjacent school district. The resource teacher for an individual pursuing initial certification as a baccalaureate level teacher of exceptional children/communication disorders teacher of exceptional children/communication disorders, if one is available. shall be a master's level 2. If a master's level teacher of exceptional children/communication disorders is not available, the Education Professional Standards Board may allow a licensed speech-language pathologist to serve on the beginning teacher committee in lieu of a resource teacher. (h) The committee shall meet with the beginning teacher a minimum of three (3) times per year for evaluation and recommendation with all committee members present. In addition, each member of the committee shall observe the beginning teacher in the classroom a minimum of three (3) times per year. If the teacher's first year performance is judged by the committee to be less than satisfactory, the teacher shall be provided with an opportunity to repeat the internship one (1) time if the teacher is employed by a school district. (7) The resource teacher shall spend a minimum of seventy (70) hours working with the beginning teacher. Twenty (20) of these hours shall be in the classroom setting, and fifty (50) of these hours shall be in consultation other than class time or attending assessment meetings. The resource teacher shall have completed at least four (4) years of successful teaching experience as attested to by his or her immediate supervisor or by having achieved tenure and be able to show evidence of continuing professional development by having achieved a master's degree or its equivalent or the accumulation of two thousand (2,000) hours of continuing professional activities. (8) By contract with teacher education institutions in the Commonwealth, the Education Professional Standards Board shall provide special training for persons who will be serving on the beginning teacher committees. Completion of special training shall be evidenced by successfully passing the assessments as prescribed by the Education Professional Standards Board. A principal hired after July 15, 1996, shall be required to complete the beginning teacher committee training program within one (1) year after his or her appointment. (9) If an applicant establishes eligibility for a one (1) year certificate under the provisions of subsection (3)(a) of this section, but does not become employed on the basis needed to satisfy the one (1) year internship requirement, the applicant shall be eligible for the issuance of a certificate for substitute teaching as provided by the administrative regulations of the Education Professional Standards Board. The applicant shall remain eligible for the one (1) year certificate, as provided in subsection (3)(a) of this section, and for the opportunity to serve the internship for a period of five (5) years after establishing eligibility. If the internship is not completed within the five (5) year period, the applicant must reestablish eligibility by repeating and passing the assessment program in effect for new teachers at that time or by completing a minimum of six (6) graduate hours toward completion of a graduate program required by administrative regulations promulgated by the Education Professional Standards Board. The option for renewal through completion of graduate hours shall be available only for the first reestablishment of eligibility. (10) The Education Professional Standards Board shall approve the curricula of any college or university, or of any department thereof, for the training of teachers, and any nontraditional or alternative teacher preparation program offered in a public or private postsecondary education institution, private contractor, or state agency, and shall also approve the curricula of any local district alternative certification program, when the curricula comply with the administrative regulations of the Education Professional Standards Board for the issuance of certificates and when the institution has met the terms and conditions provided in KRS 161.010 to 161.120. Any student who has completed any of these curricula, as approved by the Education Professional Standards Board, and who has completed the prescribed requirements for the issuance of certificates shall be granted a certificate corresponding to the curricula completed. Effective: July 15, 2002 History: Amended 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 288, sec. 1, effective July 15, 2002. -- Amended 2001 Ky. Acts ch. 137, sec. 8, effective June 21, 2001. -- Amended 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 375, sec. 3, effective July 14, 2000. -- Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 362, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1998. -- Amended 1996 Ky. Acts ch. 343, sec. 5, effective July 15, 1996. -- Amended 1994 Ky. Acts ch. 192, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1994; and ch. 417, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1994. -- Amended 1990 Ky. Acts ch. 476, Pt. II, sec. 57, effective July 13, 1990. -- Amended 1988 Ky. Acts ch. 388, sec. 2, effective July 15, 1988. -- Amended 1986 Ky. Acts ch. 119, sec. 1, effective July 13, 1986. -- Amended 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 396, sec. 1, effective July 13, 1984. -- Amended 1978 Ky. Acts ch. 155, sec. 102, effective June 17, 1978. -- Amended 1972 Ky. Acts ch. 248, sec. 1. -- Amended 1970 Ky. Acts ch. 49, sec. 1. -- Amended 1968 Ky. Acts ch. 152, sec. 117. -- Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec. 4502-1. 2018-2020 Budget Reference. See State/Executive Branch Budget, 2018 Ky. Acts ch. 169, Pt. I, D, 10, (1) at 1313.