48-325. Horton armory; transfer to city. (a) The Kansas military board is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer and convey to the city of Horton, for no consideration all of the rights, title and interest in the following tract of real estate and any improvement thereon: Beginning at a point on the South Line of the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of Section 28, Township 4 South, Range 17 East, 1,177 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Southwest quarter (SW1/4), said point being 332 feet East of a fence line bearing North thence East along the South line of said Southwest quarter (SW1/4) a distance of 300 feet, thence North 400 feet, thence West on a line parallel with the South line of said Southwest quarter (SW1/4) a distance of 300 feet, thence South 400 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 2.75 acres more or less, and all of said property being located in the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of Section 28, Township 4 South, Range 17 East, Brown county, Kansas.
(b) Conveyance of such rights, title and interest in such real estate, and any improvements thereon, shall be executed in the name of the Kansas military board by the adjutant general. The deed for such conveyance may be by warranty deed or by quitclaim deed as determined to be in the best interests of the state by the Kansas military board in consultation with the attorney general.
(c) No transfer and conveyance of real estate and improvements thereon as authorized by this section shall be made by the Kansas military board until the deeds and conveyances have been reviewed and approved by the attorney general and, if a warranty deed is to be the instrument of conveyance, a title review has been performed or title insurance has been obtained and the title opinion or the certificate of title insurance, as the case may be, has been approved by the attorney general.
History: L. 2012, ch. 37, § 1; July 1.