46-125. Privileges of members of the legislature in court proceedings. That from and after the fifteenth day preceding the day on which any regular or special session of the legislature of this state shall convene, and until the tenth day after adjournment is taken sine die, members of the legislature of this state shall not be required to appear in any court in this state and participate in the trial of any action therein pending, or the hearing of any motion, application or other proceeding in which such member is employed as attorney or interested as a party; and no such member shall be required to attend the taking of any depositions in any action pending in any court in this state in which he is employed during the whole of said period of time, except in cases where the court shall, in its discretion, make an order authorizing the taking of such deposition.
History: L. 1915, ch. 86, § 1; R.S. 1923, 46-125; L. 1927, ch. 233, § 1; March 11.