24-425. Election upon bond issue; notice; canvass of returns. That whenever the board of directors deems it necessary to issue bonds to be paid by general taxation, which issue requires the sanction of the taxpayers, it shall make an entry on its journal so declaring and an order calling an election for that purpose; such order shall specify the amount of bonds necessary to be issued, the rate of interest the same shall bear, the time when payable and the purpose for which the proceeds are to be expended, the time and place where such election is to be held, and shall appoint judges and clerks to conduct the same.
A proclamation calling such election shall be published at least ten days before the day fixed for holding the same, in some newspaper published in the county; such proclamation shall prescribe the form of the ballot, state the time and place when and where the election will be held, and shall contain a copy of the order of the board of directors calling the same; and at the time appointed the election shall be conducted, the returns made and the results ascertained in the same manner as provided by law for general county elections, except that the returns shall be made to and canvassed by the board of directors of the district, and except as herein otherwise provided. The board of directors shall meet and canvass the returns of all such elections and declare the result, and if a majority of those voting at the election authorize the issuing of the bonds, the board of directors shall have power to issue the same and cause the work for which they were authorized to be done.
History: L. 1905, ch. 215, § 24; Feb. 25; R.S. 1923, 24-425.