2-1201. Definitions. (1) The term "commercial fertilizer" means any substance designed, intended, used or susceptible for use to supply food for plants or to increase crops produced by land, except the following: (a) Limestone (calcium carbonate), (b) dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate), (c) lime (calcium oxide), (d) slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), (e) gypsum (calcium sulphate), (f) the dung of domestic animals, (g) compost, and (h) fertilizer materials. The term commercial fertilizer shall also include specialty fertilizer as defined below.
(2) The term "fertilizer materials" means any substance containing plant food elements or compounds in possession of manufacturers for use in compounding mixed commercial fertilizers.
(3) The term "brand" means the name, number, trademark, trade name or other designation of a commercial fertilizer.
(4) The term "grade" means the minimum percentages of total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and soluble potash, stated in the order given in this definition. When applied to mixed or blended fertilizers, whole numbers only shall be given.
(5) The term "person" includes individual, partnership, association, firm and corporation.
(6) The term "secretary" means the secretary of agriculture.
(7) The term "label" means a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon or affixed to the container in which a commercial fertilizer is distributed, or on the invoice slip or delivery slip with which a commercial fertilizer or custom blended fertilizer is distributed.
(8) The term "custom blended fertilizer" means a fertilizer blended according to specifications furnished by the customers prior to blending.
(9) The term "custom blender" means any person who blends only registered commercial fertilizers at the request of and according to specifications furnished by the customer-purchaser.
(10) The term "specialty fertilizer" means a commercial fertilizer distributed primarily for nonfarm use, such as home gardens, lawns, shrubbery, flowers, golf courses, municipal parks, cemeteries, greenhouses and nurseries, and may include commercial fertilizers used for research or experimental purposes and is not used primarily for application to crops produced for commercial value.
(11) The term "process tankage" means a product made under steam pressure from crude inert nitrogenous materials such as horn, hoof, hair, feathers or other similarly inert nitrogenous matter, for the purpose of increasing the activity of nitrogen. The water-insoluble nitrogen in these products shall test at least 50% by the alkaline method or at least 80% by the neutral permanganate method.
(12) The term "ammonium nitrate" means chiefly the ammonium salt of nitric acid and contains not less than 33% nitrogen, 1/2 of which is in the ammonium form and 1/2 in the nitrate form.
(13) The term "ammonium nitrate dealer" means any person operating a business that is engaged in the distribution or sale of ammonium nitrate. The term "ammonium nitrate dealer" shall not include an end-user who is engaged in the physical act of application of ammonium nitrate as a commercial fertilizer and is not also engaged in further sale or distribution of ammonium nitrate.
History: L. 1927, ch. 14, § 1; L. 1949, ch. 2, § 1; L. 1963, ch. 5, § 1; L. 1992, ch. 195, § 2; L. 2004, ch. 101, § 21; L. 2007, ch. 136, § 1; July 1.