123.141 Keeping liquor where beer is sold.
No alcoholic liquor for beverage purposes shall be used, or kept for any purpose in the place of business of class “B” beer permittees, or on the premises of such class “B” beer permittees, at any time. A violation of any provision of this section shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the beer permit pursuant to section 123.50, subsection 3. This section shall not apply in any manner or in any way to the premises of any hotel or motel for which a class “B” beer permit has been issued, other than that part of such premises regularly used by the hotel or motel for the principal purpose of selling beer or food to the general public, or to keep a pharmacy from having alcohol in stock for medicinal and compounding purposes.
[C35, §1921-g4; C39, §1921.126; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, §124.31; C73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §123.141]
2011 Acts, ch 17, §14; 2016 Acts, ch 1073, §51; 2017 Acts, ch 29, §40