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U.S. State Codes
Title 8. Utilities and Tran...
Article 1. Utilities Generally
Chapter 37. Voluntary Clean Energy Portfolio St...
Chapter 37. Voluntary Clean Energy Portfolio Standard Program
8-1-37-1. "Base year"
8-1-37-2. "Clean energy"
8-1-37-3. "Clean energy credit"
8-1-37-4. "Clean energy resource"
8-1-37-5. "Clean portfolio standard goal"
8-1-37-6. "Electricity supplier"
8-1-37-7. "Participating electricity supplier"
8-1-37-8. "Program"
8-1-37-9. "Regional transmission organization"
8-1-37-10. Adoption of rules establishing program
8-1-37-11. Application to program; review by the commission
8-1-37-12. Qualifications for shareholder financial incentive; application; considerations and determination by commission
8-1-37-13. Shareholder financial incentive; duties of the commission upon approval; application; determination; force and effect of incentive; force and effect of periodic rate adjustment mechanism
8-1-37-14. Annual report to commission required; content requirements; force and effect of duty to report; commission's annual report