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U.S. State Codes
Title 6. Taxation
Article 1.1. Property Taxes
Chapter 30. General Provisions Concerning the D...
Chapter 30. General Provisions Concerning the Department of Local Government Finance
6-1.1-30-1. Repealed
6-1.1-30-1.1. Department of local government finance established; commissioner
6-1.1-30-1.3. Treatment of references to the state board of tax commissioners
6-1.1-30-1.5. Legalization of appointment of commissioner before March 28, 2002
6-1.1-30-2. Repealed
6-1.1-30-3. Repealed
6-1.1-30-4. Repealed
6-1.1-30-5. Repealed
6-1.1-30-6. Records; use of records in court and other proceedings
6-1.1-30-6.5. Appointment of commissioner of department of local government finance
6-1.1-30-7. Deputy commissioner
6-1.1-30-8. Employees; compensation
6-1.1-30-9. Repealed
6-1.1-30-10. Delegation of powers and duties
6-1.1-30-11. Repealed
6-1.1-30-12. Review by field representative or supervisor
6-1.1-30-13. Subpoenas; oaths
6-1.1-30-14. Powers and duties of department
6-1.1-30-14.5. Payment for services provided by professionals
6-1.1-30-15. Repealed
6-1.1-30-16. Public access; property tax data
6-1.1-30-17. Compliance with reporting requirements; recovery of additional costs related to assisting certain counties to issue timely tax bills