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U.S. State Codes
Title 4. State Offices and ...
Article 4. Lieutenant Governor
Chapter 38.5. Broadband Grants for Rural Areas
Chapter 38.5. Broadband Grants for Rural Areas
4-4-38.5-1. Applicability
4-4-38.5-2. "Eligible broadband project"
4-4-38.5-3. "Eligible broadband service"
4-4-38.5-4. "Eligible broadband service provider"
4-4-38.5-5. "Fund"
4-4-38.5-6. "Office"
4-4-38.5-7. "Rural area"
4-4-38.5-8. "State agency"
4-4-38.5-9. Awarding of grants for eligible broadband projects after July 31, 2019; office to establish procedures; priorities; preferred projects; publication of applications; comments or objections
4-4-38.5-10. Office to adopt guidelines; collaboration with state agencies and political subdivisions
4-4-38.5-11. Rural broadband fund
4-4-38.5-12. Awarding of grants after July 31, 2019; limitation on transfer of assets; grant agreement required; funds conditioned on project completion
4-4-38.5-13. Annual report to general assembly; contents; triennial audit by state board of accounts
4-4-38.5-14. Confidential or proprietary business information; nondisclosure