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U.S. State Codes
Title 36. Local Government
Article 9. Transportation a...
Chapter 3. Regional Transportation Authorities
Chapter 3. Regional Transportation Authorities
36-9-3-0.5. Expired
36-9-3-1. Application of chapter
36-9-3-2. Establishment of authority; name
36-9-3-3. Expansion to include additional counties or municipalities; procedure
36-9-3-3.1. Transfer of urban mass transportation powers to public transportation corporation
36-9-3-3.5. Expansion to include certain counties and municipalities; procedure
36-9-3-4. Removal of county or municipality from authority
36-9-3-5. Management by board; membership
36-9-3-6. Appointment of board members; time limits; term of office
36-9-3-7. Board; officers; records; meetings
36-9-3-8. Board meetings
36-9-3-9. Board; quorum; approval of actions
36-9-3-10. Board; compensation and expenses of members
36-9-3-11. Executive director
36-9-3-12. Controller
36-9-3-12.5. Repealed
36-9-3-13. Powers and duties of board
36-9-3-14. Repealed
36-9-3-15. Standards for grants and purchase of service agreements; promotional programs
36-9-3-16. Provision of public transportation service by authority; fares and standards; discontinuance of service
36-9-3-17. Acquisition and construction of transportation facilities
36-9-3-18. Acquisition of facilities within 100 yards of terminals
36-9-3-19. Limitations and obligations of authority
36-9-3-20. Repealed
36-9-3-21. Collective bargaining agreements; authorization
36-9-3-22. Application of federal statutes to employees affected by actions of authority
36-9-3-23. Employees; retention of benefits after action of authority
36-9-3-24. Displacement of employees as a result of new facilities; selection of employees to perform work
36-9-3-25. Labor disputes; arbitration procedure
36-9-3-26. Pension systems and retirement benefits
36-9-3-27. Acquisition of facilities from public transportation agency; obligations to employees
36-9-3-28. Audits; accounting forms and records
36-9-3-29. Annual budget
36-9-3-30. Payment of organizational expenses
36-9-3-31. Repealed
36-9-3-32. Acceptance of federal or other funds
36-9-3-33. Regulation by department of state revenue; administrative appeals and judicial review