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U.S. State Codes
Title 36. Local Government
Article 9. Transportation a...
Chapter 11.1. Parking Facilities in Marion County
Chapter 11.1. Parking Facilities in Marion County
36-9-11.1-1. Application of chapter
36-9-11.1-2. Public uses and purposes; eminent domain
36-9-11.1-3. Definitions
36-9-11.1-4. Pecuniary interest; board or employee
36-9-11.1-5. Powers and duties of board
36-9-11.1-6. Preparation of plat and data; resolution of board
36-9-11.1-7. Approval of resolution and plans; acquisition of site
36-9-11.1-8. Purchase of property without entire air rights; attached buildings or structures; costs of common facilities
36-9-11.1-9. Options or contracts for land; previously acquired property
36-9-11.1-10. Eminent domain; powers and duties of department and board
36-9-11.1-11. Tax exemption of property, funds, and receipts; leases or sales for private use
36-9-11.1-12. Encumbrance, lease, or sale of facilities or equipment while revenue bonds are outstanding
36-9-11.1-13. Sale or lease of space and air rights; treatment of proceeds
36-9-11.1-14. Funds for expenses of department before issuance of bonds or receipt of revenues
36-9-11.1-15. Revenue bonds; issuance; proceeds
36-9-11.1-16. Rights of bondholders; lien; enforcement proceedings; default
36-9-11.1-17. Deposits of department funds; separate account books and special accounts
36-9-11.1-18. Payments to and from general fund of department
36-9-11.1-19. Annual operating and income statement of facility