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U.S. State Codes
Title 36. Local Government
Article 2. Government of Co...
Chapter 4. Legislative Procedures
Chapter 4. Legislative Procedures
36-2-4-0.1. Application of certain amendments to chapter
36-2-4-1. Application of chapter
36-2-4-2. Adoption of ordinance, order, resolution, or motion
36-2-4-3. Quorum
36-2-4-4. Majority vote; two-thirds vote
36-2-4-5. Majority vote required to pass ordinance
36-2-4-6. Disagreements on question; continuance
36-2-4-7. Consent to pass ordinance; inapplicability to additional appropriations and zoning ordinances
36-2-4-8. Adoption and effective date of ordinance, order, or resolution; requirements
36-2-4-9. Recording of ordinance; effect
36-2-4-10. Meetings; rules
36-2-4-11. Seal