Sec. 22. (a) In lieu of authorizing and selling bonds as provided in this section, the board may adopt a resolution authorizing the negotiation of a loan or loans for the purpose of procuring the required funds. The resolution must set out the total amount of the loan desired and the approximate dates on which funds will be required and the amounts of them. The resolution must also set out the terms, conditions, and restrictions relative to the proposed loan or to the submission of proposals that the board considers advisable. Before the consideration of proposals for the making of a loan, a notice shall be published once each week for two (2) weeks in a newspaper published in the county and a newspaper published in the city of Indianapolis setting out the amount and purpose of the proposed loan and a brief summary of other provisions of the resolution, including the time and place where proposals will be considered. The board may accept the proposal that in its judgment is the most advantageous to the authority.
(b) The total amount of loans negotiated by the authority under this section, when added to the amount of bonds issued under section 21 of this chapter, may not exceed three million dollars ($3,000,000).
As added by Acts 1982, P.L.218, SEC.5.