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U.S. State Codes
Title 35. Criminal Law and ...
Article 46. Miscellaneous O...
Chapter 1. Offenses Against the Family
Chapter 1. Offenses Against the Family
35-46-1-0.1. Repealed
35-46-1-1. Definitions
35-46-1-1.3. "Dissolvable tobacco product"
35-46-1-1.5. "Electronic cigarette"
35-46-1-1.7. "Tobacco"
35-46-1-2. Bigamy
35-46-1-3. Incest
35-46-1-4. Neglect of a dependent; child selling
35-46-1-4.1. Reckless supervision
35-46-1-5. Nonsupport of a dependent child
35-46-1-6. Nonsupport of a spouse
35-46-1-7. Nonsupport of a parent
35-46-1-8. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
35-46-1-9. Profiting from adoption
35-46-1-9.5. Adoption deception
35-46-1-10. Sale or distribution of tobacco or electronic cigarettes to a minor; defenses
35-46-1-10.1. Establishment's selling or furnishing alcoholic beverages to minors; civil penalties; defenses
35-46-1-10.2. Retail establishment's sale or distribution of tobacco or electronic cigarettes to a minor; defenses
35-46-1-10.5. Purchase, acceptance, or possession of tobacco or electronic cigarettes by a minor; defenses
35-46-1-11. Retail sale of tobacco or electronic cigarettes; warning notices; penalty
35-46-1-11.2. Operation of tobacco business near school prohibited
35-46-1-11.3. Repealed
35-46-1-11.5. Coin machines for sale or distribution of tobacco or electronic cigarettes; penalty
35-46-1-11.7. Minors prohibited from entering retail establishment that primarily sells tobacco products; posting notices required; civil penalties
35-46-1-11.8. Tobacco and electronic cigarette displays; exceptions; penalty
35-46-1-12. Exploitation of dependent or endangered adult; financial exploitation of endangered adult; violation classification
35-46-1-13. Battery, neglect, or exploitation of endangered adult or person with mental or physical disability; failure to report; unlawful disclosure; referrals; retaliation
35-46-1-14. Reporting or documenting battery, neglect, or exploitation; immunity from civil or criminal liability
35-46-1-15. Repealed
35-46-1-15.1. Invasion of privacy; offense; penalties
35-46-1-15.3. Violation of certain no contact orders; offense; penalty
35-46-1-16. Invasion of privacy convictions; record of persons protected by orders
35-46-1-17. Persons convicted of invasion of privacy; denial of access to protective order information
35-46-1-18. Invasion of privacy convictions; release and hearings; notice to persons protected by orders
35-46-1-19. Invasion of privacy convictions; time of notice to persons protected by orders
35-46-1-20. Enforcement of foreign protection orders
35-46-1-21. Unauthorized adoption advertising
35-46-1-22. Unauthorized adoption facilitation