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U.S. State Codes
Title 34. Civil Law and Pro...
Article 55. Execution of Ju...
Chapter 2. Stay of Execution
Chapter 2. Stay of Execution
34-55-2-1. Bail for stay of executions; entry on record
34-55-2-2. Return of execution upon entry of bail
34-55-2-3. Execution issued for want of bail; clerk's endorsement
34-55-2-4. Stay of execution for remainder of term
34-55-2-5. Return of execution by sheriff; copy of recognizance on execution docket
34-55-2-6. Relinquishment of property levied before stay of execution
34-55-2-7. Recognizance of bail; effect of judgment confessed
34-55-2-8. Praecipe and fee bill
34-55-2-9. Joint executions
34-55-2-10. When stays not allowed
34-55-2-11. Sureties' objections to stay
34-55-2-12. Surety for stay; request for immediate execution
34-55-2-13. Entry of other bail; effect